When I first met you, I was just a boy
Twenty four years later you’re gone
When I heard of your passing
Death pushed me down to the ground
I felt defeated, weak and helpless
My soul was screaming inside
I was also reminded that we all must go
and my own mortality was on the line
it took a few days but I got back up
you would have wanted it that way
I got inspired; I got energized, I got passionate
I got reminded I could do more, be more
change the world and do something good
how could a death inspire somebody?
How could anybody not love you?
You possessive this ability to generate
Pure simple love, your words, your actions, your life
The message was all the same, love
You had the ability to mold your soul
To fit other personalities
you got along with everybody
I’m sorry I didn’t get the chance to say good bye
I will see you some day in the meantime
I hope I make you proud.
Laura always wore her favorite color, red!
”I first met Laura back in 1986 when she started to work at the animal shelter for which I worked & volunteered at. Laura had 4 kids but she was everybody’s mom, her memory, laugh and smile will remain immortal in my heart.”
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