Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Heart of Hearts

In my heart of hearts
I made room just for me
for which only a place I feel
it’s my refuge of calmness, peace and shelter
it’s my gut feeling for my feelings towards the world
it only sees the good in mankind, the good in you
I believe we are all good
it’s the outside factors in society that allows us
turn in our kindness to self destructing animals
when I need reassurance about somebody
I think back to my heart of hearts and it gives
a better balance and I make the proper decision.

Perfect moment in time

Next time I see you and look into your eyes
there will be an unspoken acknowledgment
that will allow my soul to be set free
and I will kneel before you holding up my hands
presenting to you my heart in the center of my hands
making myself vulnerable but not afraid
because I love myself and I want to share this with you